The main reason why the fake and synthetic honey is freely available in the market is because people rely on conventional method of testing honey. Even though many sophisticated laboratory test are available. Which can identify even a smallest adulteration, but many people are unaware of it. Conventional method of testing honey is based on the physical nature & moisture content of given liquid.
The fake & adulterated honey available in the market passes most of the age old methods (conventional) of testing honey. As the makers of fake honey copy the physical nature of honey. Few of the fake honey available in the market appears superior than the pure natural honey as they appear more shining, more thick liquid & more attractive color. But it cannot pass even the preliminary tests framed for analysis of honey in the laboratory.
The problem of adulteration is not limited to the local area, state or country it is a global problem. The need of the hour is to know the most advance method of testing honey & utilize it to get the most genuine honey & there by its health benefits.